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Did anyone watch them back to back? Thoughts?
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


I only watched oppenheimer, it was a loud kino.


You haven’t seen either. Oppenheimer looks pretty schway doe


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im going to watch them when they come out on streaming platforms because im too autistic to go to the theater


i don't have any interest in barbie and i hate nolan


just watched oppenheimer
apart from kike cringe at the start it was kino
dat scene when oppie adopts the hatman drip was peak
i also niggerheart the soyience infodump scenes

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This board dead as fuck it doesn’t even have 10k posts yet


Alive doe

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Brimstone board that won’t be used
11 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


this is true


this is false


facts bro




fumo above me

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This board dead as fuck it doesn’t even have 10k posts yet

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just watched lawnmower man , its goofy but the ending with cobson is gemmy and has cool graphics in the VR







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post a vidya related image and I'll rate that game
25 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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never played
protoss masterrace


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Is Need For Speed: Most Wanted the most Aryan game ever made?


No, but it's still a Great game. Last time I played NFS game, it was Underground 2.

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'urrp 'site


garbage "artist" for post-ironic redditors



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Any fellow sigma to play some valorant? 🗿🍷


chinese spyware albeit


Stonetoss shills China doe.


>nigma male

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Hiya. I'm a 26 year old transgirl looking for some new homies to play games with. I play a wide variety of games and am willing to play anything, but i usually rotate in between Apex Legends and Overwatch 2. I'm a big fan of the soulsborne games, strategy games (Civ, Age of Empires), cozy games (Pokemon, Stardew).. etc. Point is, I just like gaming and would love to game with you. Please hit me up if you'd like a new friend or gaming buddy. Don't be shy!


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>Hiya. I'm a 26 year old transgirl looking for some new homies to play games with. I play a wide variety of games and am willing to play anything, but i usually rotate in between Apex Legends and Overwatch 2. I'm a big fan of the soulsborne games, strategy games (Civ, Age of Empires), cozy games (Pokemon, Stardew).. etc. Point is, I just like gaming and would love to game with you. Please hit me up if you'd like a new friend or gaming buddy. Don't be shy!


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==you will never be a woman
kill yourself!!!==


Go to kitchen

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