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/mtv/ - Music, Television, Video games

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post gems made by chuds and/or with chuddy lyrics
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It's good because it has riffs. If you found it first and discovered it, then you'd think it was great, because that's what kind of faggot you are.


its riffs are worse than most of its influences, also i wouldnt because im not retarded




youre a nigger

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I think he's great, honestly. I love his music


boomer but yeah


>Piano Man, Uptown Girl and We Didn't Start the Fire
Yup. His music is good.


Yup and don't forget Pressure and My life

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What's the last book you've read /mtv/?
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Way of the Superior Man


Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How by Ted Kaczynski (RIP)


My Twisted World by Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger


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Confessions of an Advertising Man by David Ogilvy.


last I fully read was the Thursday's murder club 2 I think. I got the Thursday's murder club 3 in hold [couldn't finish it in summer (southern emisphere summer), part 1 and 2 I read them from like December-February approx.
after that I'm going for blood meridian and the Thursday's murder club 4 that is gonna drop in like September (though I will probably be able to order the translated edition around November). Also wanna read paradise reclaimed.
The other one I wanna read is metro 2033 (read 2034 and 2035 in 2020-2021), after that I got some in my "book wishlist" but idk which one would be next.

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Why the FUCK would you make a (((((((music))))))) board? You literally might as well make an alcohol and heroin board too.
Music is one of the biggest and most degenerate drugs that is still popular and even romanticised in modern society, amongst (((alcohol))) [the liquid jew] and weed [the most niggerlicious drug there is]
>inb4 lol bait
I am being 100% serious. 4cuck getting /mu/ was the biggest disgrace to the website outside of geoflaggots (which our INT FUCKING HAS FUCK YOU KUZ AND SOOT AND WHOEVER ELSE ADDED THAT JEWISH SHTI)
>inb4 listens to music anyway
Admitting to partaking in the most jewish ritualistic drug outside of adrenochrome is no "epic win" or "flex". You are destroying your own mind and bragging about it.

Please, everyone who ACTUALLY uses this board, please reconsider your life choices and seek the will of Christ.
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the arts arent inherently jewish just because jews misuse it to rot people's minds
fucking retard
you're just as bad as anti gun fags saying guns bad because some schizophrenic autistic jew went on a shooting spree


obviously you’ve never heard of izaya tiji or you wouldn’t be saying this


purtian gem go up


the gem

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I still believe that Jurassic park is one of the most influential films of all time, firstly it hasn’t aged badly, it still looks good to this day, and secondly is that is showed what cgi could do at that time and the combination of advanced animatronics made a timeless movie


scalecord thread do not interact

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Need shart shitizen orgmembers


Nigga I’m not paying $500 for pixels

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Is Shadow of Mordor sharty culture?
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Xe looks like if Dora the explorer was real


John Dimaggio does not play Talion in the English version. Take your meds.


Ninja Gaiden (Big) Black (Cock)


"In my language" retard


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>"In my language" retard

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Reminder to go play a run of The Binding of Isaac!


binding of isaac is gay


tranny game


the gemming of isaac

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There, I made the thread.

Post goth/gothic music, television and film, vidya, comix ITT. Anything from 80s goth music to edgar allen poe to new shit. Gatekeep and bicker your leisure.

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the entire type o negative discography


are you still here? i have more recs id like to share with u


Go for it. I live on this website.


since u like the more obscure ones ill only post those i like that dont have lots of views, but corpus delicti is my fav band ever check them out

https://youtu.be/nl1J2uMnoNY rendez vous
https://youtu.be/9WOJKLxGG-Q heavy sounding
https://youtu.be/UpOdzeWS1-8 also kinda heavy sounding
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