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is 'mower man 2 worth the watch?


no, it sucks. made for tv movie by some mexican guy

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post genuine 10/10 albums, no bullshit.
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I made a chuddy music thread once which I started off with 'rghoslent and some guy was telling me that it was hipster crap, might be the same guy


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brimstone coal gem


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you ever watched the fred movie chuds?
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gem film doughy


It was carbon with gemmish characteristics…


I watched this and I kind of liked it as a kid. Then again I say through those Johnny Test marathons on CN so that probably says something about me idk 2011 was weird (outside of the gemmy games and internet at the time)


I remember watching all 3 and liking them as a kid. I can barely remember anything about them anymore thoughbeit.


fred won

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keyed, i completely forgot about hannah diamond

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Have you ever played any resident evil game before?


no and I don’t want to because soyboys ruined that shit



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Hello. Do people really play videogames here? Also, I just finished Invincible and it was pretty good. I just wish the love conflict was more interesting, the cliche superhero and normal lover is kind of boring. The action was really good, for me the most enjoyable parts of the show were the combat scenes and the ones involving the Mauler Twins. I'd give Invincible a solid 8/10. If anybody has read the comics let me know if they're worth reading.


This is the most gemmy image I have ever seen on this site


I forgot to add that I don't typically watch anything involving superheroes since Marvel and DC have made them pretty boring. Invincible, however, had no filter and I really liked how raw it was.


Yes, the two jaks just found this board.


Comics are a tad better than the show but similar enough that unless you want more visiting them is pointless


The comics are worth reading. Kirkman writes a great ongoing, same for the walking dead which is miles better than the show. They can serve as good entry points into indie comics

Ottley and Adlard both draw fun art too

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Mutant Mayhem


The film follows the Turtle brothers as they work to earn the love of New York City while facing down an army of mutants.


i hate niggers


gem is out
teenage mutant ninja turtles mutant mayhem is in



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What are the 'teens thoughts on kaiju?


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Godzilla WABAG




watched one of them and fell asleep at night to it in 2020

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