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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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Let's talk about the ladies! on the old site of course..
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>Let's talk about the ladies! on the old site of course..


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Locked doe

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I'm a manlet

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i don't get it




cope incel



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is there hope for me? should I just give up and try to be a femboy or transition or something?
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why not?


Stop posting your coal discord "friends"


i doubt thats actually you since it seems to be a whatsapp filename but you WILL cut your hair or get a mullet and you WILL lose the glasses and you WILL do something about your acne


Lose weight. Then evaluate your appearance. You're probably skinnyfat, which affects your facial aesthetics more than you'd think.

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>tfw 5'8 browncel beta
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ias gem


Same. I hate this world and how the only things that matter are how tall and white you are.


I am a fucking shitskin cunt, I don't like my fucking background, my ethnicity, my origin, where I am from, where I originate from, it does not interest me, look at me what does it do for me? Why the fuck would I care about something that handicaps me huh? Think about it, why do I care about something that handicaps me going through life, yeah of course I'm 5'8 but I'm a fucking shitskin and that's the ultimate ultimate but almost ultimate because I could be Asian but the ultimate really and truly we're in the same boat, people saying if I was in bur-burding ding land I'll be fucking a lot more successful and that's the truth, yeah but that's not fair and that's just not fair, not fair. Look at the asymmetry, you think this would've happened if I was white? Look at that, that's because I didn't chew on that side, because I didn't chew on that side, do you know how many motherfuckers chew on one side of their face and this doesn't happen? It's not that am that genetically blessed, it's that I'm genetically cursed, look at my upper eyelid exposure, look at that, that's ugly shiiit motherfucker, that's ugly poo, yeah it's come from age, but why? Lack of undereye support, shit pajeet genetics and you want me to be proud of that? About my genetics? Fuck you man! I'm gonna change and become as lit...I, my aim is to become as far away from looking like a pajeet as possible. because in the mind I'm not a pajeet, in the soul I'm not a pajeet, but in the fucking mug I am and that kills me man. That kills me that kills me that kills me


Mods delete this indecipherable schizo garbage


Take meds

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I have autism.
When I tried weed, it made me miserable and out of control for hours.
I can’t get high. I can’t stand alcohol. I have to live this miserable life sober.
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I'm so high on nigger weed


im so high on my own weed

t. nigger




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do 2CB



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>rejected an invitation from someone I love AGAIN because i'm terrified of fucking everything up
How the fuck do I get over APD?
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moved from soy to r9k kek


If you are reading this comment your parents will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 2 otherthreads. i'm so, so sorry,please forgive me.


kill yourself normalnigger


live yourself differentaryan


1500mg of phenibut and what >>7960 said

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>be me (white chudcel)
>talk to egirl from 4cuck '9k
>she is really into me, wants to meet up
>asks about my penis size
>decide to tell her the truth
>get ghosted
Its over for twpcels. share more stories about interactions with egirls


>be me
>have tiny white pp
>kill myself
>ghost post to the sharty to warn others to become gay and not an hero like I did

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How do women not deserve domestic violence when they date domestic abusers instead of us?
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But im a domestic abuser.


I tried to say this on the normalnet and got crucified for it.


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Women deserve death




only thing i can hear is "bye", i'm not a native russian speaker though

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Why do females do this?


I should do this


seeya, beautiful butterfly




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