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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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I got covid again, I hope I don't kill my grandma with it
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>covid real


its real though incel chudcel pissbaby


call me a pissbaby again


incel pigskin pissbaby thouch grass NOW



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Just spitted in my brother whiskey bottle 3 times, I'm gonna do it again!


passive aggressive cowardly teen
fight him like a man you pussy


II don't want to get in truble tho


are you literally 12? you're being a little bitch. what did your brother do, take away your xbox?


Seething alcoholic older brother

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I have never had a connection with anyone in my whole life and feel alienated by everyone around me.


you put sage in the wrong field
also you look like that


no therefore you

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>mfw when I didn't have my onw computer untill I was 18 and I still turned out to be an internet weirdo.
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Only the white ones.


then just go for wh*te civilians, they deserve it for being born wh*te


>gets soyquoted one time on the soy website
>wants to commit suicide
there is no ‘jak that I could post, that would come even close to having the effect that one good look in the mirror would have for you.


Then he looks like that one soyjak?



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I would fuck myself so much, if autosexuality is gay than everyone whos not gay is a fucking loser


autosexuality. the soyjak community is in disarray and your posting about autosexuality


no one cares soyshitter


Nice falseflag trannies, nobody cares about your falseflag raid


>Nice falseflag trannies
i'm not a tranny, however

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Hi guys I'm new. This sub is called Robot9999, but I don't see any? What's going on?


Meds and BBC

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my friend got a gf but at least i have you guys
i want to kill myself
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you should fucking die for making this shitty thread
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i didnt make the thread though


I say this however though


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shut the fuck up. vile piece of shit

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This is what it looks like inside the women’s bathroom.
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Where are the urinals for our trxns quxnns?




*opens mouth*


Ngl this post hit my dysphoria real hard. I wish I was a woman bros


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txxxs rxxxts axe hxxxn rxxxts fxxxxxg cxxd
aww thanks sweetie *drops a huge log*

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im so fucking lonely bros
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Post pussy/axe wound NOW.





You WILL give me yours


this works until you become isolated for so long that video games etc stop being fun and you get so bored that you get lonely again

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