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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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>tfw no gf
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nas gem


OP do be a straight faggot tho bruh frfr no cap


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>OP do be a straight faggot tho bruh frfr no cap


low iq thread


nas coal thread

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my chest do be hurting lately nonetheless
maybe eating junk food, smoking and not exercising at all for months straight wasn't a good idea
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>not nice desu


its da vaccine


i didnt take it though


its daaa vaccine in your tapwater and air



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>>>>crossboard soydueling

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Yesterday I washed my teeth for the first time this year
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do it NOW


it's 2 months later, gonna post them now?




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>be gone for couple of weeks
>ask dad to return a book to libary for me
>It would take him 15 fucking seconds and its on a way he walks everyday
>He "didn't have time"
>He did have time to steal my sport bets and cash them in a point 1 hour away from home
Give me one reason I shouldnt hate my family


They feed you, fag

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I ate many sardines today and now my piss smells like fish


I don’t believe you.

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discord site
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She's going to groom you into killing yourself, she hates men and wants you to die


i doubt it


Have you even read the cc posts on men? They are fucking crazy, don't do it man


most of them are completely reasonable however


Femcel copes, they are not reasonable in the slightest
>men do not give me any attention in real life
>I will go online and find as many reasons to hate men in order to not feel left out

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I never had a Thanksgiving dinner with my parents. My job made me and other employees Thanksgiving dinner. That’s the only way I would have one.
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I never had thanksgiving dinner either, but it's because thankskgiving isn't celebrated in my country. Post your address and I will go have thanksgiving dinner with you anon


>faces of america


do not listen to 5743


he will dine YOU for thanksgiving


You guys get a break room? We have to go in the freezer.

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How do you overcome and ultimately cope with nostalgia from your good old days?
I cannot forget how both 2018 and 2019 were the peak of my life, which nowadays has become so awful now, specially with this shitty pandemic going on.
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aww sorry for your loss soybro


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>you quoted half of it but not
the other half? are you fucking retarded?




Kek what a failer lmao


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>Anonymous 2 minutes ago No.5734
Anonymous 2 minutes ago No.5735
Kek what a failer lmao

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Did you have a treehouse when you were a kid, or is that just something from cartoons?
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I stepped into a syringe when I was a kid, first time I was on the news.


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>didn't have a treehouse therefore not human


suburban concrete hell is hella fun tho


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had one of these shitty things



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