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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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do you think I can get a gf?
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new jak


That's obviously him smart man


unironically new jak


avg chudcel


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>avg chudcel

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>hmm, femoid, what could this mean?
>well the "oid" suffix indicates that it is resembling or like "fem"
>"fem"? what could this mean? sounds short for female or feminine.
>the existance of the "oid" suffix implies that it is not quite "fem", instead like or resembling it.
>how can someone be like a female/femine but not quite resemble one?
>perhaps they are robotic in a way and only act like a woman, without truly being human.
>however then the term "humanoid" would be more applicable
>"femoid" must mean someone who resembles however deviates from females specifically and not a broader catergory
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what the hell is that
it's EVRIKA!


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Pocket bucks just dropped


disgusting specimen please delete


↑ pussy nigga


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>↑ pussy nigga

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WhEre cReaTiviTy MatTerS
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>WhEre cReaTiviTy MatTerS




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bbc is so hot i dont care if its troon behavior i just love bbc i wish i could take bbc with my bussy and girly white boy mouth all year and making sure not a single drop of jamal's or tyrone's cum gets on the floor i dont know how people dislike it


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>bbc is so hot i dont care if its troon behavior i just love bbc i wish i could take bbc with my bussy and girly white boy mouth all year and making sure not a single drop of jamal's or tyrone's cum gets on the floor i dont know how people dislike it


>i dont care if its troon behavior
dont worry, it's just white boy behavior


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>feel suicidal
>lay on bed
>accidentally hit phone
>"Space Song (slowed to perfection)" starts playing


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this never happened
stop making stories up and watch this silly dance


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>feel suicidal
>lay on bed
>https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ starts playing

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Porn is gross.

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I failed at life.




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On the realest shit? I really am that nigga fr


Gem win


fat neet

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cold and kissable


warm and punchable


that's a man




you're a man and a homosexual

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Why is the sharty too slow and lonely? I'm even more depressed than before
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because this is a bald cartoon man with glasses website, not a depression cope website


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I thought /r9k/ was meant for the occasional feel thread but whatever, give good depression cope websites


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im here wit da bitches




u will never be human species

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