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now with no robot
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is it possible to get a cute girlfriend if i have no job, no friends, no family, no skills and am socially retarded?
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There is an ugly smelly fat broke loser somewhere in your town who is absolutely slamming ass. I've met several of this man. Not sure what the nature of their powers are, but it is absolutely possible


Only if you’re brown or black.


Only if you're chad.


yeah i had co-worker just like that who was dating a 9/10 latina



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my throat hurts when i swallow


refrain from sucking dick


:( i like it doe

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She wanted Chad, she got Chad.



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It is only morally acceptable to fap to minecraft porn
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i know a bisexual bipolar woman who hates porn who finds the dog from helluvah boss hot


what are the political implications of fapping to minecraft porn




that'd be a chad move


ummm ackshyually it's nyot a "dog" it's a beautiful wolf girl sweaty

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would i make for a good 'jak?




upload a picture with an open mouth and glasses, NAS dust otherwise.


nah, where are you from?
Mexico? Spain?



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I had a dream last night where I got into an argument with my mom about what the point of my life was after she got mad at me for not wanting to work a wagie job
she didn't like the fact I spent my time on my garden and writing, instead wanting me to finish out my bachelors degree and get a terrible office wagie job
in the end, she ended up disliking my aspirations for a simple life that focused on minimalism and studying philosophy. she thought we were incompatible people despite, effectively disowning me in the end of the dream

what does any of this mean, if anything at all?



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roastie sisters.... is it truly over?




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>ihihihihihi TURTLE!


daily bbc general #453


one day did not pass between this bbc general and the previous bbc general though


Who cares, more bbc is always better




Moved to >>>/b/37126.

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uglybros... there's hope
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why though


kikes are ugly so their study has to say that women will be happier with ugly men


kikes are keyed they are a lot like me




do you like bagels ?

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