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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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i will post in this thread until i finally get a gf or i kill myself
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I have a gf now, it’s been a couple months. Sorry for never updating


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>I have a gf now


Stillll alive


Based. Made any progress on the gf front, chud?


why are there 4 ls in still

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You get stared at , but only looks of disgust.

You get smiled at , only the smile is them making fun of you not because they like you.

Want proof I really hate you , I'm just going to push you in front of a school bus , I just didn't like your face and I just didn't like that you were close to me or in front of me , even through I just met you.

You met a girl for the first time , to bad she hates you , how do I know she has been doing nothing other then give you dirty looks.

The only time they talk to you is to tell you how ugly you are.
The jokes you tell in class , they laugh at you not with you , chad is funny , you are the faggot loser we laugh at.
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>reddit spacing in an attempt to make the post seem longer


>redditspacing is real







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Instead of feeling ashamed of being virgins, get together and shame normalfaggots for having unprotected sex before marriage and for having children they can’t afford. Shame them for being all around irresponsible.
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Whites need more (genuine, directed at people instead of porn on a screen) horniness, not less. What use is your piousness if it makes your kin extinct


Plus all the degeneracy is non-reproductive and increasingly not even the sexhaver type. It's all homo shit and troon autocastration and porn obsession. Notice all of it has in common the nullification of reproduction. The debauchery of today is not the out-of-control cheating deadbeat husband type. That would be superior in every way


Liberals breed out of control, then they and their children vote liberal. They do not use protection and rarely get abortions. White women need to breed out of control with white men.


Shut up sandnigger


I'm a nordicnigger lol

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latinx-kike mix that's rotting away in a 7"x7"x7" concrete box that'll only get sunlight from the outdoor cage, which is even smaller. only 18,000+ more days of slowly fading into irrelevancy, until he's a frail wrinkly damp mass of defeat, hallucinating what could've been, but not feeling any of the joy, only regret. only 432,000+ more hours to experience expanding isolation and darkness, and fleeting vitality. god willing he will not kill himself.


you sound mad


yes, i'm mad, but i'm also vindicated.




root for the dead guy.

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the image that killed /soy/


lol #skillissue


Noooooooo chaderino you can't improoove into a hekkin woman just because you used too many 'roids.


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How do fat boys get laid?


What's she gonna do? Push him off?


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It is domestic violence awareness month. This month be aware that women have sex with domestic abusers instead of incels.

Hit Women, Get Laid


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haven't you got the memo we live in clown world albeit

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Based janny, hold that L OP




literally me in the thumbnail lol


what drugs are you on

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If you are a loser you can say you’re a girl, join girls teams, and blow girls the fuck out in their own sports.

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>aggresively mediocre in every single one of my interests


its like that for a while but you get better, also the journey never ends

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