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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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this is where all the attractive girls live


scottish slags are ugly as sin


nah nuh, scottish slags are beautiful, i want that scottish pussay




of the north

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>mom asks me to fix slow phone
>begin closing tabs
>unironically find blacked cuckquean porn
I wish I was shitposting.
3 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


based mom, link the porn


lol this gem is in the soyjak rpg




just noticed this board has "anonymous" as the name rather than chud


i have that same broom, its shoved into my asshole

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I have a twp but don't want to marry an asian because its miscegenation, what do?


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>The body was too short or empty.

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no bot?
wtf sootykins?

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Saw a couple of amateur vaginas on r/sounding that were brown, hairy, and wet. I literally felt like I was going to hurl. Pussies are kind of fucking nasty.


you are kind of fucking gay


Vaginas are not meant to be looked at up close unless you're a gynecologist.


they feel all good inside, thats what matters, all that matters

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rocky faggot


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>rocky faggot

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im afraid that i will never be loved


you wont be because youre posting this forced meme


i dont post it usually though :(



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the 'arty really is a marvel of a subculture that let's me feel at home doing stupid shit and enjoying myself with others. It's a nice break from my unfulfilling and almost unbearable studies in college. I love and appreciate you all, please take care of yourselves, and please keep the 'arty going.


>2 days
>0 replies
lol kek get pwned fag


love you too `uddy.

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Say what you want about domestic abusers but they do get laid, and we don’t.


>nooo inkwell you don’t deserve love, that’s why you’re alone
>*closes macbook and makes a sandwich*
>*forgets 1 slice of bacon, and gets sucker punched by her chad bf again*
>we’ll work through this together sweetie, i know you didn’t mean to send me to ICU, you’re a good person deep down, i know it


lol they do be like that


I don't say anything about domestic abusers though.

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I just can’t stop stealing soyjak.party gets after noticing that soyjak.party keeps steeling 4chan gets.

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