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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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Why do women complain and bitch and moan about muh periods so much when all they need to do is have sex with some lonely virgin every so often to never have periods again?


because having sex with ugly incels is torture


sucks to be you

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i think i'll try nofap until I have a natural wet dream, this is getting out of hand. cooming literally multiple times a day for the past 6 years
18 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




I have an idea... Install yourself a chastity cage and the n name yourself from chud to Nicolas Dickincage xdd


Your best bet to escape porn addiction is to read this https://easypeasymethod.org/
It will help you escape addiction.


and the easiest is to forget that porn even exists


That's unironically the advice the book offers

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I was miserable my whole childhood. I am miserable now.
Life sucks.


Bro that's crazy!






nas kiki

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NEETchads won


r/antiworkbros, we did it


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>I love being a wageslave for 7$ an hour


More like robots, jews and mexicans did it.

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>mfw when foids

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frogs are sharty culture

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What happened to my blog thread?


idk did it get bumped away away away?

Start a new one, this is what happens when you neglect the sharty.

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>/r9k/ - ROBOT9999
>now with no robot

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Don't talk to me unless your room looks like this.


t. pedo

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I’m trying to stop my porn addiction, Im on Day 2. what should I do when I feel like jerking off to take my mind off things?


I’m gonna take a break from the sharty because I see porn posted sometimes and it sets me off. ily guys, and remember that if ur in a similar place as me, you can get out of it


do some workout, maybe go outside eat döner habibi


wear a chastity cage

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