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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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Why are trannies and bottoms so ticklish??



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One million people have died from covid.
Most nurses are women.
I wonder why they died.


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And there they are contributing to society while you post soyjaks on an incel tranime site


Still more productive

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Who cares about looks more, men or women?
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Men, most women don't even get visually aroused. Women are more attracted to status. Studies have been done on this too.


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woman understander has logged on


>Women are more attracted to status
This isn't the 50s, women have the same rights as men and don't need to statusmaxx anymore.

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Are you afraid of nuclear war?
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It's one of our only hopes left


if it happens i do not want to survive the blast


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I'm terrified.


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>Misplaced in time


i wouldn't mind because enough people are dying with me and the world would be fucked up afterwards anyway so i wouldn't be worried about missing out on something

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say her name, incel.party
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Ooops, i forgot your name xd


la abominacion




Holy shit that neanderthal brow lmao

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I'm addicted to nigger weed


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Coal + peatburned

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i look like a combination of a24 and cobson
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Der Chud


this is how the average onions poster looks like


No one looks like this


no one looks like this


You look based

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I found $200 on the floor in a grocery store.
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Because you have opened this... you will get kissed on the nearest possible Friday by the love of your life... if you don't break the chain. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. However, if you don't send this to at least 10 people by the stroke of midnight tonight you will be forever cursed in love. Just copy and paste this.. Good Luck!


no you didn't


disgusting nigger hands, TND soon


You probably got it tucked into your lil thong as a tip at the strip club


give it back jamal

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whoelse here /neverhadanyfriends/?
And yes, internet friends count, you normals need to get out.


ive had them but i continually lose and abandon them does that count



i lurked too much on twitter on the 'cafe and never developed an internet personality for myself.


are you sex woman sex?

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