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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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I live on the edge.
I have niggas who want to kill me
Its not fun

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Soot are you really this fucking sick? You fucking remove 9/11 videos but leave up illegal content? You made a fucking board about a 9 year old nazi? You leave up fucking doxxing threads? Yet you delete simple shitpost. Soot I will stop using this site if you do not tell me what the fuck this is all about? What I'm getting from this is that your a pedo racist CIA agent? Soot...You'r a sick mother fucker. Please kindly remove this site for the greater good.




Hi soot, this is not nate. Admit to what your doing stop covering it up



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missed cheese


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missed cheese, YWNBL


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I hate being banned. My one outlet to discuss my feels is gone. Now I need to struggle with them alone. :(


First reply, I just broke this threads hymen.

Anyone else who posts after me is getting my sloppy seconds, my leftovers.

Just remember that the first reply is the most special reply and you'll never experience this thread the way I did and this thread will never feel the way it felt about me about you.

Its over, you might as well just go post on reddit and talk about how much of a "man" you are for replying on a thread that I pumped and dumped. Have fun with my scraps, cucks.

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Arggghh I'm listening to breakcore and browsing the 'party and am feeling FEELS god damn it
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


coal thread


complete and utter oal


wait how often can i post


lol 4cuck x gives me no cool down


What song exactly however?

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>tfw no soyjaker boyfriend


i wish i had a boyfriend like him bros...




fucking fags deserve to die like you says the one the one one pussypopexplosion the one one one the oe erkjgegbergbegergjekgbjkegjkgrjkgbjkbgegjg
yw :D

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The only thing I desire in life is a soyteen gf. Do they even exist bros?
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R9k soys this is your mindset


This is hot. Is there a white version though


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>Is there a white version though


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>>Is there a white version though


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twp copium take meds sweetie

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Social justice is when normalfaggots do drugs even though they get to be normal, then become homeless.

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A cute lonh haired boy said hi to me, then II walked bakc and he smiled.
Now I will be sad and think about how I will never have a bf for weeks.
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gay ass nigga


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Lmaoing @ ur life


holy fuck it’s a tracing


I'm asking if you sex me?

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What's the female equivalent of a chud?
9 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I've been wondering as well, someone should make a female version of the chud face


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No green meme arrow therefore you look like that my love


so, a TERF?


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a mother

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