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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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its fucking OVER
how am i supposed to cope with this shit
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WTF it didnt work


kill yourself nigger


Double up the % and then take meds


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<lose virginity before having a relationship



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>tfw no girlfriend
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dont yuck someone elses yum


Nostalgic gem. I can't believe I've been posting here for over a year.


Hate to be THAT guy, but it's 8 months, not a year.

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The east wind blows over the water, the sun sits by the hill,
Though spring has come, the idleness persists.
Fallen blossom is scattered amid wine and tinkling pendants by the rail,
She listens to playing and singing in a drunken daze.
The pendants are now silent, her evening wear undone,
For what man's sake is she to dress her hair?
Her fair appearance too will pass as time slips by,
At dusk, she leans alone upon the railing.
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this thread represents my culture so i will keep it up here

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I wanna die, im a 5'8 beta male virgin and all women are whores
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if women r whores y they no sex u
t. foid


if someone talked to me like this i would say yes


kek based


the issue is not them being whores, they are selective whores, only for a small select group of men


they only have sex with chad

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This thread is in honor of St. Elliot.
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A woman had sex with him, so why did he do it?


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How do we contact Moreva to take our virginities?


Didn't it say it was like 4k for 8 hours or something? Kind of a ripoff imo


Why don’t you ask homeless women for sex? They’re desperate to be taken care of.


i used to think he was a narcissist but everything he said was correct

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why the fuck does my nigger classmate get away with bullying me just because hes black
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at that age at most 5'10


Nigger do calisthenics.


Because he's a nigger


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you should rape him


doesnt work like that, my country is 98% white yet we have some niggers now and they are protected

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>be me


be me is so unoriginal anyone who uses it is fucking faggot

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I got 100% on a math test I cheated on and everyone, teachers and parents, congratulated me.

Why do I feel bad now, though?

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Is having sex with a transgender escort
based or -ACK?


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If you are reading this comment your parents will die within 5 years. To undo this curse you need to copy this and paste it in 2 otherthreads. i'm so, so sorry,please forgive me.


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>school tommorow
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Soytoddler moment


kys so you dont have to go to school




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>work Wednesday


'llege tomorrow tho

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