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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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I've always liked you
Everything has crumbled
You did this
You manipulated me
You broke my heart in a million of pieces
And you left me destroyed and sad
You've changed so much that I don't recognize you
Now I tell you goodbye


Ok but who asked nigga


r9k looking pretty gemmy today


Stfu nigga lmao

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You seem to look at death
Like some sort of rest
And as the sign of most universal trust
You are sure that death will save you.
And it's one of the saddest things that can happen to you,
Your suicide, the light of the lighthouse that guides the cowards
What is the use of crying so much?
I will not pity your suffering.






we're back

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girls like that are always based and tradpilled. They need not be saved.


#thuleanbaddie (male)


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Hell yeah white boy

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being sent to military schol


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It will do you some good, it sucks but you'll end up missing it when its over

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why you transophobes love this joke so much?
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Thread Review:
Fat Basement Dwelling Internet Forum Moderator deleted my comments, so i give analysis
Fucking shit fall in a meat grinder
₁/₂ ✩




Gem meme, now go ACK!


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yes they are
they call it "on the down low"



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I will always be a loser incel with no friends. Why is my life so shit? what did I gain for spamming touhou on a image board dedicated to soyjaks? is my feeble and warped mind rotting at the moment each time i continue to spam oriental cartoons? I'm I a sperg outcast who is rightfully kicked out from society and mocked or i'm i a victim of a cruel and uncaring world?


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is it worth it

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I always hated female nature. They're too weak. When I was growing up I used to correct my sisters feminine behavior, being the only boy. It sickened me
I beat them up and try to make them respectable individuals, I would get beat up by my dad after though, but it was worth it to make them normal
Women are flakey. They act like kids and get away with it. I just want to grab one and take them to a boot camp and make them a man. When a woman
gets too nice with me I get disgusted.


beat your mom for having married a tranny and raise two more


Take your meds nigger


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 3151[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

29/4/2021 - I pooped twice
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No it hasn't


Says that it is, due to rounding


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its over


This site is retarded, hover over it for the real date


Bumo even tho pinned

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Hello Chuds ive seen many funny comments in my days on the internet so i wanted to make a thread for these i will start with this


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If you want girlfriends, wear a fake wedding band around town. Western women are attracted to married men like kikes to gold.

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