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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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people always think i'm a trannie or some shit and everytime they ask for my pronouns
not just irl but online too
it annoys me so much
i'm just a male with xyy chromosomes
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it's normal
in my childhood i was treated normally
because all children are kind of androgynous until they go through puberty
i went through puberty faster than others around me, no joke i even had a little hair above my lip at only 4 years old
i was always the tallest
the only really annoying thing growing up was the manboobs that come from the condition, but i would always dismiss them as extra fat
but now as an adult it's really fucking annoying because by abdomen looks like a trannie's and my face is androgynous, except for my moustache


post face


>because all children are kind of androgynous until they go through puberty
In modern Jewish times sure, faggot


>all children are kind of androgynous
i had a mustache at 8 though


>all children are kind of androgynous
i had a full beard at 10 though

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What is summer camp like?


don't know




they force you to play and do activities with the other kids
so horrible if you're autistic/socially awkward


My parents made me go like 2 times. It was fucking BORING. Wasn't an overnight thing, more like a day care. I was just thinking about going home all day. A couple activities were sort of fun but I didn't make any friends.


It has a nigger

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This is ur new gf
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god i lov her so much i want to just kiss her thighs


No thanks, I have a gf (female)


Yes thanks, now I have a gf (anthro)


How can I learn to draw at that level?
I just want to make cute sketches.


there were some on bant, try searching by filename

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>m*m dead named me
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I bet $50 you are not a real tranny


shit tier troon bait


0wn3d l0l


kek based mom



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getting killed by the smell
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Cheesy gem




classic /qa/

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in this thread you cheer me on to finish my homework
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whats mf


motherfucking you fucking boomer, god i wanna ratio you so hard rn


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post smol one


I have been reading "mf" for months and I didnt know what it ment
motherfucker makes sence

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Meeting you with a view to a kill
Face to faces, secret places, feel the chill
Night fall covers me
But you know the plans I'm making
Still overseas,
Could it be the whole lot opening wide
A sacred why
A mystery gaping inside
A week is why
Until we dance into the fire
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Since this is /r9K/ can we talk about our wizard status?
I'm 9 months away from becoming one.


Get a hooker

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poo thread
i pooped


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I poop like twice a week.

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i like being a virgin, im not asexual by any means but the actual act of sex with another person is leagues different than just cooming to le porn
i just cant imagine myself ever having sex, i feel proud and secure knowing my virginity is untainted by the vile tendrils of a femoid
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nas 'em


she do be kinda so attractive tho


nas 'oal


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pure cope

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