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/r9k/ - ROBOT9999

now with no robot
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Women BTFO!

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Comics thread


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is 'toss allowed


bro... do not even think about it///


im so sorry i shouldn't have even asked ;-;


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How does this make you robots feel?
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>being angry... LE BAD


Per capita?


Just fact checked and woman commit only 53%


She's right, we need to start putting women in positions of power in the military.

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my breath smells like shit
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brush your teeth


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brush your teeth, NIGGER!!!


maybe brush your teeth aiden


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>smelling like shit LE BAD eventough it repels satan's servants (women)

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I’m glad there’s a contactless delivery option so I don’t have to meet the delivery guy and give him a tip.


Did you check if he spat or pissed on your pizza before you ate it?


That's the best part tho



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I quit smoking weed today


I haven't smoked the nigger's cabbage for a year now


i'm withdrawing HARD nigger


Just use your oral fixation for good and suck that bbc doe


Are ye still WDing?


That nigger weed

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how do I look?
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Why are you white?


hi trans peter griffin


holy crap lois i cut my cock off




fat, pale, uncut. All fixable.

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I want a girlfriend just to gaslight her

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I'm bored. What should I do?
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Have sex




have Sex


Have sex.


have sex

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for my fem-jakkers and 'cafe girls: is this true?
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this, some trannies were obsessing over this image on pisscel.chudfe


They sorta do but the shy nerdy guys have to be 666.


im already a transbian


riddler fandom though


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