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So many of you are mindbroken cult following retards who don't even engage in the development of technology, you just flounder around your shit takes. So many of you will literally not understand something, then jump to the opposing side so you can blame the said entity and not your undisciplined self

Freetards especially don't understand what they're talking about here, you often see them being outright wrong about shit they're sperging about, having never used it, they don't understand the intricacities of what they claim to "critique", and this is to their detriment. I understand sperging about muh jooz and having to pay money for shit, but the solution is not creating a cult, but recreating what the industry developed and then pushed forward. You guys don't have principles, you have a cult that you follow - probably for the social aspect of it, your actual views are loose but your ideology is set in stone, literally like trannies.

I am posting this in the hope that some retard will feel attacked and genuinely reconsider his beliefs, and maybe in the end do something with his life.
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>w-whaaat whats that? he actually pointed out the malware??
>r-retard, heh!
>b-but no!! i CONSENT that they cuck me so its okay!
doesnt allow you to modify it and use it how you want


>doesnt allow you to modify it and use it how you want
you are just defining all closed source software as malware.


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>doesnt allow you to modify it and use it how you want
and why would you listen to that?


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i don't have any source code so i couldnt modify it even if i wanted to, i don't care about licenses and will redistribute nonfree software under the GPL if i get the source code for it.

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>i won't switch because it cannot play call of juden slava ukraini edition or something


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i must play pac-man at 30fps because that's what jewtler would have wanted or however the boot leader is broken


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NO ARROW ALERT!!!!!! NO ARROW ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO FUCKING ARROW RETARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i can play minetest, runescape, and crazy taxi at 60Hz
minetest runs at 160Hz, but your garbage monitor isn't even able to do that anyway.
>no arrow
therefore you look like this and say this
a real GNU user would know that GNU is the best operating system for running video games, next to FreeBSD.

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>install a single rust program
>CPU usage 100%
>htop doesnt even show me what eats my CPU
what the fuck is wrong with this mental fucking illness?
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this is always at 1% or less for me


>operating system that doesnt crash 20 times per day
i have been for like 8 years now and it has only bluescreend like once


niggas using sway ?


I don't even know what the Windows 10 blue screen looks like


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now try running something that isnt approved and verified by microsoft, like a driver for old meme gaeming hardware, gay RGB shit from 2010 or so
>NIGGER YOU ARE WAY OVER YOUR H-Segmentation fault (Core dumped)
its not designed for multitasking, of course it crashes if you try to give one program memory used by another program
exokernel when?
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Smart doorbell cameras increase racial profiling experts found.

What are some ways to not have technology be racist?

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I want to use an OS that (at least) doesnt spy on you, is fully secure and anonymous, and hasnt got a community that is infested by troons. Tiny Core Linux, Haiku OS, OpenBSD, freeBSD.. which is best for anonimity and devving (with at least a good support for most PC/laptop hardware).
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temple os ( no tcp/ip stack = no spyware )


use debian or windows 10 ltsc. haiku is great but i don't think it's ready for prime time yet


>doesnt spy on you
nothing that includes proprietary shitware of any kind by default, or has it in its repos
haiku contains blobs and other proprietary software, openBSD contains proprietary firmware blobs but kicks out nonfree drivers (they have another definition for "blob", lunix chuds call nonfree firmware "blobs" while BSD cucks call nonfree drivers "blobs", they do this so they can say "we don't include any blobs", while they actually mean they dont include any proprietary drivers), freeBSD has a similar policy, and tiny core lunix is a meme, it doesnt work for doing anything other than running ls (probably not even GNU ls lol) and most likely doesnt even have any space left for fitting proprietary blobs into its kernel, or any other non-required drivers for that matter, which means that neither your GPU, nor your wifi, or your fancy proprietary wifi card and RGB keyboard would work, and say goodbye to fully fledged and functional X11.
just stick with any GNU distro that allows you to do what you want and/or doesnt include proprietary blobs by default, such as parabola, guix, gentoo (you gotta deblob that manually), or if you dont know how to use a computer, trisquel. (meme)
literal PoopOS
also this, terrys 2 meg distribution only includes the base OS without any bloat, and TOS doesn't even have drivers for stuff like USB or x86's ring system, everything runs on ring 0, you dont have usb, and you dont have networking, just as god intended.
enjoy your PS/2 and CD-R I/O in 640x480.
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gnupedo strikes back with mucho texto

>TOS doesn't even have drivers for stuff like USB or x86's ring system

TOS has code for Ring 3 in /Demo/Lectures
/Ring3.HC and part of a USB driver on the supplemental CD. Fake TOS fan probably doesn't know the contents of the Fs pointer.


none of that is finished, let alone functional
a 20 line poc is not a driver, take your meds.

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I'm part of the graphics team for BSD, they've been developing a successor to both X11 and Wayland. I'm gonna leak their logo, and prolly get kicked out of the repo for X12 but whatever.
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Details aren't nowhere near close to finalized, but they're designing a system with a few tenets of design. For one they're planning on releasing a sort of Motif 2.0 toolkit as an alternative to the Linuxisms going around. It'll be rethemable unlike Motif 1, but still quite elegant and EZ to program in, unlike GTK and Qt that currently exist everywhere. However, X12 will support multiple Renderers for your programs, so GTK and Qt stuff will still work, pure X11 and Wayland protocol stuff would too. It's to be designed in the native APIs of your system, like those experimental Wayland compositors but by design. Systems these days normally use OpenGL, for contrast. It'll use a system of Berkeley sockets and other IPC for communications, trying to avoid D-Bus and things like that. Though the coalition is also working on another Message Passing system, I think X12's gonna be able to run on just standard POSIX facilities. You'll be able to signal even through the filesystem through something like sending the X12 commands used to make the services or your pixel buffers to a var socket if you don't want to work lower level with the GPU or with any special toolkit. This isn't finalized yet but they'll be using multiple modular components as opposed to the Wayland style of everything just being one compositor. X12's gonna be the program-to-frame layer. The window manager will be easily swappable but it'll interface with the compositor and the compositor will interface with the GPU
so it goes X12 provides standard layer to applications and renderer, renderer renders things according to how X12 and your window manager asks it to. DEs will run their components as X12 clients
One X12 service will just be rendering through the GPU, which if you call through the API that service will get a direct line to pass Graphics through the composition. Sending software rendering is possible as an X12 service that sends bitmaps through Composition, though I've got no idea why you'd do that with the way X12 services work.


>X11 doesn't need a replacement, it works perfectly, especially on older hardware
People are autistic, albeit, and wanted to iterate Xdesktop because it’s already been done 11 times, why not the 12th


TearFree eats less performance than gayland as it is, and if you need more performance just disable it and fullscreen your shit
meds, we should've sticked to X10


what about wayland security? i dont like programs snooping on me


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>wheres the setting for turning on bbc mode on windows? i cannot find it or something


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we dont have that on UNIX like operating systems (except for macOS), but we have the BWC mode
you enable it by running
su -c 'ln -s /usr/bin/neofetch /usr/bin/reddit'
and executing 'reddit', followed by taking a screenshot of your terminal output and posting it on /tech/.


Kill yourself obsessed Ubuntu faggot


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>Kill yourself obsessed Ubuntu faggot


the presence of system32 enables swc mode so you'll have to delete it


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>Intel Core 2 Duo P8600

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>time to reinstall windows for the 60th time to avoid windows rot or however the bbc is sucked


Kill yourself obsessed Macintosh faggot


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why is it so superior?
>33 instructions / cycle decoding
>dsp-like processing speeds while executing general-purpose code
>infinite ilp when executing code ( ilp is FREE silicon-wise due to how VLIW works )

why does it cuck amgreed and intelaviv so hard?
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>muh itanic
just because intel is retarded doesn't mean the team behind MILL is


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You could have the worlds best VLIW ISA but the compiler is going to suck so hard and make the CPU unusable. I have never heard of "Mill" before and all the info on it online is from 2013 so I have to assume it's dead in the water.


>the compiler is bad
not the reason itanium failed
>the project is dead
it's alive but they lack funding (since they are retarded and they patent everything they make instead of making it open-source like risc V)


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compilers are more difficult to optimize for VLIW systems.

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GNUTards wish they could hit 3 1/3 years of uptime.
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probably because it isn't supported anymore doe


>even doe its still supported


>unsupported os more secure than supported os
what did chuddie mean by this?


>old laptop can't run a modern OS, but can run a shitty OS
mind: blown


it probably could run windows 7 or 8.1.

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