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/tech/ - Technology

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Any good ones? I just want something that works better than the shit Google or DDG spits out. Bonus for automatic discount codes.


Asking on this board because /g/ is worthless and lainchan's shitty vichan fork discarded my post




How? Just clicking through the top results just provides the most commonly bought chinkshit and doesn't price compare or anything

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I can't fuckin stand that parabola linux attention whore costantly avatar fagging both on /soy/ and /tech/
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nobody is seething you're just a retard


motif sux


>gets triggered by the most easily triggered freetard in the world
lol lmao even


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>don't avatarfag please it's cancer :D
sure thing sooty soot, not going to neofetch next time.
(also it is funny that I am the only one using dragonfly on this board)
think of a better 3 letter name, the word "BSD" sucks as it can't be spelled, the dragonfly mascot "fred" consists of 4 letters which disqualifies it as a hostname.
from jehanneOS, an operating system which is trying to make plan9 compile with gcc in order to honor Richard Stallman and the GNU project
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BSD is a cuck operating system

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 862[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Pray to god the catty isn't wiped again edition.

ok listen up, i have a rather ambitious plan, what if we made our own doom WAD? we could replace the sprites of the enemies, make new levels and add more guns

does anyone here have expierience in modding doom? if so, we will discuss the creation of this WAD

Doom modding guide for retarded chuds
First off, get doom 2. https://archive.org/details/2020_03_22_DOOM
Secondly, get gzdoom, SLADE and doombuilder.
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OMF (Oh My Fauci)


oh my Fauci!




nigger you're complaning about performance with gzdoom, lzdoom has all its benefits with better performance and more graphic settings, you just outed yourself as some contrarian chudlet nigger kike that doesnt give a shit about the fucking wad and cares more about puritan bullshit


Keep bumping

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How do I learn C?
I want to get good at fundamentals them move on to C++
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write a videogame cheat


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Its one of the simplest languages around, and its the simplest to learn too, just keep in mind of some of its features its called portable assembly for a reason, theres no array bound checking when passing through a function, i think thats a feature given by the compiler on static arrays, and keep in mind to what a pointer is, which is a memory address, that means its just an unsigned 64bit integer depending on your processor, and then apply the syntax to dereference the pointer and access whats inside with the type provided, ie. *(ptr+i), be it int(32 bits) or char(8 bits)


learn the basics (e.g., what an integer is, what stdin/stdout is, how memory allocation works, etc)
in other words, learn how computers work more or less
then read the source code of programs written in C you use, so any program that just works and actually matters, and doesnt require a ton of user interaction and user-side fixing/hacking to make it usable
for example, GNU, linux, the 200 or so command line programs you use every day that arent part of gnu, etc...
figure out (or look up) what foo does in C, and study the sauce code
then read the C bible


I recomend CS50 by harvard (https://cs50.harvard.edu/x/2023/)
It teaches you the basics of C to then move on Python etc...
It's very good since it doesen't assume you know even basic computer ideas such as binary.


Thanks for the answers, I will read these two books

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why should I care what OS i'm using when i just use my PC to browse image boards and play vidya for like 1-2 hours a day
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literal 60iq


After troubleshooting the command you posted is wrong, you're setting the accel exponent to -0.55 so you're decreasing your sensitivity on movement actually, so you first need to find your mouse id or name through $ xinput --list and turn off the acceleration with
xinput --set-prop device-id 'libinput Accel Profile Enabled' 0, 1
and then you set your Accel Speed to 0
Which is not permanent, i followed the arch linux manual while on Linux Mint and it asked me to create a file on /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-mouse-acceleration.conf with some syntax, to which i did and still didnt work, so i need to setup a crontab to initiate those commands for me, i tried to put @reboot ~/init.sh at first and it didnt work so now i put the full path for the script and i hope it works next time i bootup.


its enabled by default and my mouse ID is always the same for a trackpoint on basically all thinkpads, at least GM45 ones


just do
xset m 3 1
and stop being autistic


i have multiple mice input devices doe

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first potential /tech/ doxxerald just dropped
GNU/Troon developer of the shitty librex search engine which is really a fronted for Google.

xis name is Hannan (after trooning out) and lives in Hungary

Github: https://github.com/hnhx
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@linuxfemboy
'Cord: https://discord.gg/bg2UeQAZgn
Matrix server: https://matrix.femboy.hu/
Personal site: https://femboy.hu/ (you WILL open it via tor or get your ip leaked)
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why are hungarians like this


Marge. Are you saying doxxing is detraction? Because personal info is not a "fault or crime". If you are saying bringing to light the atrocities of a faggot is detraction, I don't really think it applies. The fag doesn't have a "good name" to begin with outside of molestation circles.


I feel it's dependent on the subject if narrating a previous fault or crime is a sin. If the subject has parted ways and is truly doing good in the world, defamation could be considered immoral. But if the subject is simply a godless sodomite who's actions hasn't been made apparent, I say spreading the truth, if undeniable within reasonable doubt, is justified.


I changed my mind. Narrating truth that would be defaming is justified and it's up to the those informed to make moral decisions for themselves.


use sowm

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>arch is the best distro ever made and i can prove it to you once i fixed my xorg conf file or however the neovagina is dilated
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I sound like a faggot but where is proof for this?


wayland will only be worth using when they/them make HDR work
posted from sway


install any gayland compositor from the past 10 years and read the source code, then change the scale and observe what will happen
do the same for X11


you cant even create custom modelines...


wayland source

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>taking too long to compile? you need to use a minimalist alternative that has less features and cannot get any work done or however the garbage piles up in my house


I use gentoo but I don't say this


i use gentoo and say this





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why is creator of librex search engine so cute? shes doing something to me bros
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What is GNUchud trying to say by saving all these images of trannies?


Small black penis


xhe uses discord albeit


muh meritocracy or whatever, but I'll just stick with SearX


oops meant to write google

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Getting rid of my smartphone solved my internet addiction problem. I just use a dumbphone now instead.
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posting through telepathic brain waves


>that hand
which pheno teens?


sadly all the muttland carriers shut off their 2g networks so the only "dumbphones" that work here are pozzed kaios phones full of jewgle apps


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>remember - anything with an active gps, a microphone you do not manually take out after each use, and a camera of the same, is being tracked by the NSA.
Ummmm just remove the battery or something when your not using it? I'm sure he can do that with an older Nokia like that.


>someone calls you
>battery is removed
What now?

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