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I've been thinking of distro hopping from arch to gentoo because I'm autistic masochist elitist, what should I do?
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Irrational GNUphobia, kys


>kiss linux
locks you into wayland which is literal trannyware, and gentoo was never supposed to be "lightweight" but it's still lighter than your kiss linus running GNOME, you flaming faggot


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>kiss locks you into wayland
are you too retarded to change your repos? you fucking nigger lazy faggot
terry was right, computers stopped being good when they made them for niggers like you
getting Xorg is two commands away from your install
you can't even use su in gentoo without enabling PAM
do you know what you are even talking about?
honestly it doesn't matter if I am talking to an AI or a real human, either way you are a retarded lazy nigger


>locks you into gayland
this is not very KISS...
>change repos
do you get gayland but not X pre installed and dont install your system yourself or some shit?
whats this mental illness?
>are you an AI?
the only way to prove that youre a human is to say 'nigger' nowdays


gentoo is more of a meta distro it's useful if you need specific config/hardware and want to make some embedded weird shit but completely retarded for desktop use

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>you WILL remove "redundant parentheses" around expressions because.... BECAUSE I SAID SO OK?
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>it's called dynamic typing you Cnile autist
unironically I hope you die in your sleep


>Python le good because you can write your slop fast and never look at it again because nobody would ever want to collaborate on a shitty dynamically typed clusterfuck


>python le bad because it's not C++
i dont want you to like Python, i too think it's okay at most. but you need to realize how stupid you sound. how are you ever going to learn and appreciate anything when you're this closed minded?


I have been experiencing first hand the pain of working on a project in python and all the silly bullshit it brings. I have nothing but contempt for this language.


>real programming language

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where were you when you realised that "programming is for trannies" is a jewish psyop to keep chud soyteens out of the tech industry so that they dont learn how to make anti semetic software
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lie doebeit but keep fagging


tranny cope


I don't care. All I care about is money.


found the jewish tranny


none of the relevant software that matters was built for trannies and I never heard of this

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Shartypill me on virtual machines and highbrow ban evasion
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Ok but wouldn't a vm fool the fingerprinting since it's not your machine, but a virtual machine therefore it can't track your main computer therefore can be used as a security/privacy tool.


How do I deal with fingerprinting without disabling javashit? It breaks sites and I'm not ready to use the internet entirely without it


its impossible, anyone who tries to cope only copes and makes it harder for script kiddies to track you, but you can never prevent it to 100%
that is, unless you carefully review every single script by hand and whitelist it manually before running it, and not allowing any dynamically modifying shit
cuckflare will always fuck you over
kuz will always fuck you over, or i guess doll now since kuz got aids (rip)
script kiddies maybe, but it will be detected that you run a vm if you have hardware acceleration/virtualization turned on, and your host hardware will be detected as well (that means screen res and refresh rate, gpu, cpu, ram, etc...)
your best bet is to get a spare thinkpad just for that, and of course use proxies (globally, encapsuling the entire browser and everything else into it, never letting anything go around the proxies)
ideally do this with your router or some shit, having proxies configured in your browser settings might still let js fuck around with you if whoever targets you knows what hes doing
most script kiddies dont, and i dont know if doll does, but CIA niggers most likely do.


Then how do I disable javashit without ruining everything on the internet?


>useragent override
I did that now but my fingerprint remains the same.

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What's a good ez to use window manager?
I just want some simple shit like that'll feel like windows before windows became gay.
But everything I see online is just retarded tiling autism or it adds a bunch of annoying unnecessary stuff or tries to be le modern.
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literal CIA nigger malware
>i cant install my own DE/WM
holy mental retardation
yep, this is the average whonix/qubes user!


1% market share


more like 95%+ because everything that actually matters is powered by GNU
"muh market share" is a cope to show how many retarded zoomers out there buy 20 wintoddler devices and throw them away a year later because it "became slow"


90% of the internet is powered by linux


just install the entire gnome suite of software

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>living rent free in their head


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this board is all linux users THOUGH



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i think it is you who is the obsessed one


whats that thread for then, it has over 20 replies all obsessing over us. this is just one thread addressing that


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i think that thread is for laughing at people like you

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what do you use to clip videos, cut video, make gifs, make edits. i want to get good. i already have photoshop, premiere, and paint


by killing yourself op

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I have 2 stinkpads but my single charger for them broke
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kill yourself adkike


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hes right


just nigger rig your wires from another charger
you can get away with it as long as the volts and amps are relatively close


>volts and amps relatively close
too bad if your wire is fucked, also this is a bad idea if you dont know what youre doing because some chargers deliver cleaner power than others
thinkpad chargers generally deliver very clean power and (most old) thinkpads want clean power, but wont die if you feed them dirtier power because theyre designed to last basically forever
it really depends tho, and if you dont want to take chances make sure you get a high quality charger and not some chinesium shit
or save yourself the trouble because a new charger costs 10$ on ebay kek

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>Crimew was born on August 7, 1999,[52] and lives in the Bruch district of Lucerne in the German-speaking region of Switzerland.[36][53] As a teenager, she worked in information technology.[30] She was the founding developer of the popular Android launcher "Lawnchair", which has been maintained by a different development team since February 2021.[4][5] Crimew is non-binary[45] and uses it/its and she/her pronouns.[3] She has also been known as "deletescape" and tillie crimew.[37] crimew identifies as a “tiny kitten.”[3] In 2022, crimew legally changed her name to maia arson.[54]
>Being queer and experiencing discrimination contributed to the development of crimew's political views.[57] On her Twitter bio, crimew described herself as an "indicted hacktivist/security researcher, artist, mentally ill enby polyam trans lesbian anarchist kitten robot".[58]


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average android developer
nothing abnormal here, welcome to phonefaggots

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