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Rendition 1.0
post everything related to reverse engineering here, including but not limited to guides, resources, personal projects, news about RE

here's a handy guide to get you started: https://rentry.co/ReverseEngineering
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(DOS com executable)
bytes: 68 BA 9F 07 B0 13 CD 10 D6 BA C9 03 93 91 EE E2 F8 C7 04 46 BD F6 C1 7F 74 3D B8 CD CC F7 E7 88 F0 2C 68 28 F8 F6 E9 92 80 3C C0 72 07 F6 DB 80 E3 0F 00 D8 F6 E9 80 C4 06 80 E4 15 2B 04 80 C6 05 80 E6 15 80 C6 09 30 F4 88 C8 2B 04 20 E0 A8 70 E1 C2 89 C8 D1 E8 AA 83 C7 16 75 1E FF 04 B1 0A 0F BE C7 29 44 0E 0F BE 44 0F 01 C3 E2 F2 BA 30 03 B0 96 EE F6 2C EE 2A 04 EE B1 FF EB 96 90


00: push 0x9fba
03: pop es
04: mov al, 0x13;320x200 video mode
06: int 0x10;dos set video mode interrupt vector
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maybe explain where this code came from because I don't know what program could be modifying VGA registers and then talking to the MIDI interface a few instructions later.


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This is now an ollydbg appreciation thread.


looks like ancient 16 bit dos shit


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Face it, WINTODDLER. You're shitting on Linux out of jealousy and envy because you cannot use it!
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im not the one who has to use 200 hacks and scripts to "fix" my operating system and make it even remotely usable after spending 2 hours installing it and "activating" (""cracking"") it, i spend 10 minutes configuring X11 and keybinds, make some bash aliases (in reality i just copypaste my defaults, which takes one minute) and thats it.


Explain the difference between RPL, CPL, and DPL are and how to sum a register, a register shifted by a constant, and an immediate, stored into 3rd register, in a single instruction.


Explain the difference between RPL, CPL, and DPL are and how to sum a register, a register shifted by a constant, and an immediate, stored into 3rd register, in a single instruction.


CPL is the current privilege level, DPL is the privilege level of a segment, and RPL is shit nobody needs (requested privilege level)
>how to sum a register
>..., blabla teach me assembly pls
ADD eax, ebx
ADD eax, ecx, 2
ADD eax, 42
happy now?


>nobody cares about RPL
Not caring about RPL good way to get a GPF in ring 3 because you didn't setup the segment registers in the TSS (or other structure) properly.
>doesn't know about LEA
lea eax, [ebx+ecx*2+27]
>ADD eax, ecx, 2
This is an invalid instruction. The only x86 instruction that supports three operands is IMUL.

High quality software you are developing I am sure.

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study my whiteboy C(litty)


File: 1683114757276.pdf (634.39 KB, C for Dummies.pdf)

here's a good C book




Hah, you think niggeRust overuses symbols? Perl is infamous for its runes.


>white man (she/her)
fixed it for you faggot

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Hello, I use a ThinkPad!
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thick but the length is faked


timestamp? show your face as well


that's how most porn is anyways


'ick on 'pad


'ick on 'ad

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lintroons macfags and wintodlers should be genocided.


start by killing yourself


what about BSD niggers THOUGH?


BSD Aryans*


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Linuxtroons coping that their OS will always be more bloated and ramhungry than Mac OS 9.
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>If you had a brain you could easily tell that thinkpads are superior to fagbooks
Anyone could tell you that Dell Latitude D600 would have been a far better choice than thinkpads in 2003.


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>Anyone could tell you that Dell Latitude D600 would have been a far better choice than thinkpads in 2003
Not librebootable, instant trash


theyre shittier cheaper ripoffs, but sure a dell latitude is higher quality than a modern lenovo chinkpad, theyre basically equal to early 2000s fagbooks at this point.
especially considering that thinkpads support libreboot and work without blobs
the latitude E6400 is the only model i know of that can actually compete with thinkpads, since its easy to flash (no disassembly), cheaper than thinkpads due to (currently) low demand, and has some very sturdy toughbook-like models thinkpads cant compete with.
consider getting one.


you can run loonix with a browser and use less ram than that



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intel raptor lake? wdym i already have a raptor lake...

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>abysmal security practices
>takes forever to receive security updates
>no protection from rootkits whatsoever
>only way to (somewhat) protect yourself from keyloggers is by installing an unfinished and broken display server
>half assed mitigations knocked off from Grsec project
>didn't even had CFI on x86 until 2023
>devs say performance is first
>gives everyone a completely false sense of security
when will the "linux is secure" meme come to an end?
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>Keeping shit that matters at home


To be fair you can get fucked over even if you think you are getting stuff from repos.
MITM is a thing. Remote code execution is a thing even if you don't install stuff and shit.


>sir this was a joke
that's how it always start...


A penguin could NOT hold a handgun up to the roof of their mouth.


>not physically owning your servers and having 100% control and ownership over it
yes, for stuff that matters
i audited X11, the shit in my kernel, and my WM
i didnt audit soystemdick or shit like dbus doe, its way too messy and im gonna put in some effort to get rid of it in the future, HyperbolaBSD whenever its finished perhaps
thats why signatures and hashes exist, every sane package manager will check them by default and will require you to manually bypass them if you wanted to do that for some reason

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MFW in 2030 50% of Ireland's electricity will be used by eco friendly sustainable data centres

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>rebooted and now it's not working in grub
it's actually over

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