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I hate sharty for using cloudflare. How am I supposed to make a client application for sharty when the kike is in the line and only allows (((browsers)))?
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test failed, try again


won't we have the same exact problem even if we use a cloudflare replacement? like on kiwifarms they use some crypto mining bullshit to verify the page instead


no, if it doesnt require any proprietary JS (or even better, no JS at all) it would be perfectly fine.


It keeps out the poorest poorfags who can't even hit ten hashes/second


also cloudflare spy on you

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Is this the power of Linux?
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Please respect trans Linux princesses, Emily's new to presenting full time in girl mode/her true self so it will take a while to find her 'style'.
thank you


He uses mac. He only pretends to use linux. He is the host of their mac channel.


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wrong guy.


is this real


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Post images that confuse and enrage freetards.
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>everything I personally dislike must be malware


chrome is literal spyware, and so is stock firefuck.
and yes, GUHNOME is garbage and i dont like it, so i wont use it.
vscope is PROPRIETARY microshaft malware and just chromium, and soygnal literally requires a fucking phone number...


this but unironically


freetardism in a nutshell GEG




Linuxtroons cannot handle the fact that the Macintosh had the best LISP IDE of all time and it ran in a few hundred K on a 8 MHz 68000.
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hi linuxtroon


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i dunno but i don't see any arrowkeys here
and can your shitty emacs copycat read/write emails, be your web browser, rss client, act as your window manager and shell, as well as your terminal while playing tetris?


I am using a model with ADB keyboard. Emacs is extremely bloated. Eight Megabytes and Constantly Swapping = EMACS. This computer has 1 MB of RAM (expandable to 4 MB). Having your text editor inefficiently do a bunch of tasks is retarded.


emacs is an operating system and not just a text editor doe
>poorfag cant afford a real computer that can run a real operating system


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It's literally doing nothing and using 60MB of core.

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They’re the lowest tier of "nerds" who are too incompetent and frightened to configure windows properly but they know that's extremely embarrassing and therefore feel insecure about themselves. So they fool themselves into thinking it's more "1337" and "tough" to masochistically to use a perpetually broken unfinished product. That's why they make it their entire personality and call everyone else "wintards" or "macfags" just for logically using the tool that works best to accomplish their goals.
The security and backdoors cope ties into this too, coming from a sense of unwarranted self-importance. They think they are special or "dangerous" therefore the whole world is obsessed with them and wants to break into their worthless, boring computers mostly full of porn and imageboard material. In a predictable fashion they fall for the classic security through obscurity mistake where troonix fits perfectly. They reeee about so-called backdoors meanwhile big tech has paid out millions in bug bounties and the Windows source code has been available for decades and not one person has found anything even slightly resembling one.
They also cope with open sores because they are too incompetent to reverse engineer or modify any software, they have never debugged a single asm instruction or patched a program their entire lives. There's a reason why 99.9% of all cracked software is Windows only and just works even when it's 25 years old meanwhile troonix users have to reinvent the wheel and rewrite projects every 5 years creating another fragmented mess of "standards."
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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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>They’re the lowest tier of "nerds" who are too incompetent and frightened to configure windows properly but they know that's extremely embarrassing and therefore feel insecure about themselves. So they fool themselves into thinking it's more "1337" and "tough" to masochistically to use a perpetually broken unfinished product. That's why they make it their entire personality and call everyone else "wintards" or "macfags" just for logically using the tool that works best to accomplish their goals. The security and backdoors cope ties into this too, coming from a sense of unwarranted self-importance. They think they are special or "dangerous" therefore the whole world is obsessed with them and wants to break into their worthless, boring computers mostly full of porn and imageboard material. In a predictable fashion they fall for the classic security through obscurity mistake where troonix fits perfectly. They reeee about so-called backdoors meanwhile big tech has paid out millions in bug bounties and the Windows source code has been available for decades and not one person has found anything even slightly resembling one. They also cope with open sores because they are too incompetent to reverse engineer or modify any software, they have never debugged a single asm instruction or patched a program their entire lives. There's a reason why 99.9% of all cracked software is Windows only and just works even when it's 25 years old meanwhile troonix users have to reinvent the wheel and rewrite projects every 5 years creating another fragmented mess of "standards."
Nah I just hate Bill Gates and Microsoft that much, also TL;DR.
I'm a Linux Mint and Pop_OS! user and Steam+Proton runs my vidya games better than native Windows did.


>perpetually broken and unfinished product
Why do microsoys project this much?


windows is somewhat turning into shit
troonix has ALWAYS been shit and it just keeps getting worse



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Seriously, using an iPhone feels luxurious, it is very well designed from an aesthetic standpoint, just feels cozy and stylish in the UI. It has limitations and not very useful or smartly executed, but damn the design gap is just soooo huge. Wish others tried harder.
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>Seriously, using an iPhone feels luxurious
feels frustrating, can't do shit on it.
>it is very well designed from an aesthetic standpoint, just feels cozy and stylish in the UI.
you are retarded


Keep seething iGods cant stop winning


>omg the BBC on my screen is so luxurious


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iToddlers and pajeetdroid fags suck each others cocks while GNU chads rape 12 year olds in their basements


applemaxxed iCels be seething at samsung chads

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██]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete.....

████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete....

███████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete....

███████████] 99% complete.....

?ERROR!? ?True? Daddies are irreplaceable ?I could never delete you Daddy!? Send this to ten other ?Daddies? who give you ?cummies? Or never get called ☁️squishy☁️ again❌❌??❌❌ If you get 0 Back: no cummies for you ??? 3 back: you're squishy☁️? 5 back: you're daddy's kitten??? 10+ back: Daddy


are we really doing this again you megafaggot

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GODot won
kneel unitysissies




going to work on a gem in godot once summer break starts

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uhh linuxsisters?
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umm sir it appears you've forgotten your meme arrow, therefore you look like that now


I thought their computer ran windows 10 doe
And i'm saying this as a freetard hater


it ran it in a vm


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nigger liar


I wonder if they used LTSC

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Favorite camera? Lenses? I struck gold once and got a Sony HDC-300 tube in pretty good condition, it's a shame most tube cameras are fucked because the image looks great.


the newest iphone camera is great


Eh, maybe for vlogging but if someone actually tried to make a serious thing on iPhone I would crush their head with a lead pipe.


I can't even tell if you took the bait or not kek


Yeah I get you were trying to make me le mad by saying that pile of shit looks good. but I thought I'd just give my real thoughts on it instead.


I wanted a good video camera for making shorts films with a friend of mine, the deal is that my budget is pretty tight, like just 500 bucks.

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