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/tech/ - Technology

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I'm buying a desktop pc in september.
pic is the components. for the case and AIO I'll see later.
Is it good ?
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funnier to bait


All the CReTards here make me sick. KYS please


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i do, and i use the forest as landfill


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this, but you only need 2 serial ports and 2 PS/2 ports
the KGPE-D16 and KCMA-D8 have both of those, and i unironically use serial on my server because ssh is a backdoor i disabled.
its that faggot thing wintoddlers use instead of a trackpoint, the thing meant to be used only in gimp and video games, which wintoddlers for some reason use to control the entire OS
>im fucked if its too small wah wah i cant expand
you can always throw in another HDD, if you have enough sata ports that is...
so buy a board with enough sata ports, or PCI to SATA cards exist if youre running out of sata ports and like me, have 14 hard drives hooked up to your machine at once to store 90tb of torrents and 'p
>my desk is too flimsy
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holy fucking autism

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i got permabanned without reason and the last thing I tried to post was this, so I guess some 'jak files are blacklisted?


this place does the same for certain files and words


Lots of forums seem to ban jaks now.
It probably hits too close to home with how many Amerimutts and jannies actually look like them.

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>install WSL
>almost never actually use it besides running apt-get a few times since all linux software is shit
>accidentally delete the vm folders to free up disk space
>don't even notice until you moved your windows to a new computer
So how was your linux experience /tech/?

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what do we think of the maid schizo on 4/g/? i think he's keyed, maybe we should invite him here


do not


do not




don't give a fuck what is even there. not reading.

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Good morning, /tech/
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>cant even change the task bar location, let alone customize it
>rounded corners


not my problem since this exactly is how i would have it even if I could customise it


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>he cant customize it


i look like that and have that logic


>Windows 11
ads in the operating system.

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Suppose there is a form of punishment where the prisoner’s brain is stimulated so that the prisoner feels as if he had served a prison time of X number of years, when in reality he had served it for only some seconds. And let’s call this a neural prison.
There comes a point where the time of a singular neural imprisonment becomes so long that it eclipses the extinction of humanity in its pain and suffering, and/or overall negativity.
Therefore, to prevent the creation of this technology is more angelic an act than to save humanity from extinction.
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generally, stopping rich "humans" (jews) from obtaining any higher form of technology is a blessed act in itself


>I don’t know lol. But I expect this technology to be developed sometime, and it will be used for prison sentencing with the upside that the prisoner will not lose years to live in the real world
this assumes the primary goal of imprisonment is to punish the criminal, which is false. in reality it is to lock them away from society so they cannot continue to harm others and break the law
the brainvat punishment technique does not account for people who either do not feel remorse for their actions and would commit the same crime as soon as they get out (who need to be locked up for public safety and make up the majority of the prison populace)




based thread


fr lmao philosophy is peak pseud shit

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TempleOS MOGS every worldly operating system out there


System V workstation UNIX mogs all of your soy operating systems.


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lunix is for trannies, i use GNU.
genpoo in the roo sar
they use freeBSD as a base since its focused on performance, has a cuck license and thus can be turned into proprietary shitware, and isnt fucked up for compatibility and actual usability as a powerful desktop system like GNU.
proprietary and just shitty useless nonfree proto-GNU




>this dumbass hasn't heard of Illumos

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DUDE i just LOVE the smoke and smell of cigarettes, it’s so COOL and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite FILMS. you should totally come on down to my smoking room, it’s got GOLDEN ashtrays and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy marlboro or three and get crazy watching some anime on crunchyroll! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go SMOKE. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our CIGS. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SMOKE this american spirit and pop open another one!!!
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here's an aryan man in the post, so aryan men look like that and say that


you DO NOT look like THAT...
meds NOW


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i think thats the same pasta in this video


>dude just smoke a unknown combination of random chemicals and preservatives and die of lung cancer DUDE


>tabaco le bad even doe it gives you testosterone

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>/tech/ - Technology


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>/fap/ - fap


who looks like that tho

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Why do they always get so mad whenever they see someone use Arch Linux or hear a mention of it?
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>grow up and use linux already
Sorry, im not a pedophile.


one day you'll realize i was right
i was like you once


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>one day you'll realize i was right
>i was like you once


i've used troonix on more servers than i can remember
why do you keep assuming people must be stuck on only one os
has to be the most illogical freetard tribalism cope, but that's no surprise since troonix users make their os their whole identity like trannies do with their sexuality


another anti linux win

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