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I fucking hate metadata


no one says this


mat2 --inplace $@

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Can the PSVR 2 work on a laptop via a USB to USBc adapter? (my laptop doesnt have a USBc slot)


Its spyware garbage kys


Its private treasure lys

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Hello. I am a schizo who has a job. I do not want NSA backdoors on my computer anymore. Debian or Gentoo?
23 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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DR-DOS and OpenDOS are the same thing. Caldera released the source for the OpenDOS (that is DR-DOS) IBMBIO.COM, IBMDOS.COM, and COMMAND.COM. Not like you would need the source as you can just patch the IVT.


You would have to use a computer from the 90s, backdoors have been a thing for most of computing


just get a thinkpad or some old desktop/server board and install libreboot on it
the only important thing is that it runs blob free without IME/PSP and without any other shit like memory initialization blobs, so get some XX00 thinkpad or anything with GM45.



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I dont like the newer orangetext zelligtroon theme. Can someone post the old school blue css we had before.


based retard. Yeah, this one looks awful as hell...


yotsuba B


Post the code not the name retard.


Just scroll to the bottom of the page retard


This thread ascends

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Bill Gates posted twice on this board


i love bill gates and i love science and soy!
trans rights!!!


i hate bill gates and i hate science and soy!
heterosexual rights!!!

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meds + BBC






Why won't you actually debate and reason the argument instead of resorting to ad hominem attacks?


gummy bears + BWC

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How do we prevent trannies from skloinging linux any further?


>free programming monkeys


Create the greatest distro ever and call it "SuperHitlerOS", that way everyone will have to live with it because it's the best


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Holy shit. Uhh, yeah. This guy won the internet for today.

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do freetards really?




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wtf ubuntu changed shit
didn't they get the memo that change is le bad?
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Use Debian or Linux mint. I’ve had enough of Tranbuntu since like 18.04 cringe ahh distro


mint is garbage, debian is unusable for anything other than servers, arch is proprietary just like mint and ubuntu, gentoo is time consuming, guix is for schizos, and parabola doesnt support zoomer garbage hardware with "modern" novideo/AMD bullshit GPUs


stop wasting your time with freetard garbage and install windows


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>freetard garbage
the worst freetard garbage is still less garbage than winkike

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should i be paranoid about nsa backdoors even doe i'm european




yes, the BND or whatever the equivalent is in your country is MUCH worse than amerimutt glownigger agencies, because they have an average IQ above 100 and aren't as retarded as amerimutts.
aside from that, they all cooperate anyway, so you have to be paranoid about anybody
if theres a backdoor, ANYBODY can use it, that includes script kiddos or random government agencies you have nothing to do with.
if you don't love every government on this world and would care about random script kiddies hacking you, you should get rid of any and all backdoors.
its relatively easy to do, contrary to popular belief
all you need is some old computer thats supported by coreboot/libreboot and runs without blobs, ideally some old thinkpad (X200, T400, T500, W500, etc)
so nothing made by intel after 2008, nothing with i-anything in the name
GM45/i915 is perfectly fine, im talking about chipsets with i5/i3/etc CPUs, anything with a core 2 duo will be fine.
go compile libreboot or coreboot, and make sure to kick the IME out.
alternatively there is pre 2012 AYYMD boards, mostly server hardware and they fucking suck, they have terrible multi threading performance and are very inefficient, thats why you find opteron server CPUs for like 10$ on ebay nowdays, they do make good workstations or servers if you give absolutely zero fucks about being able to play games, or about your power bill tho.

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