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How do you make these webms that shift their aspect ratio and resolution like these?



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how do i make my own website for free
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see >>2504
but you should use nginx
the tl;dr is, install a functional operating system on a computer you have laying around that isnt doing anything (that means GNU+Linux, and not some wintoddler baby's toy that doesn't even have a command line)
i recommend debian for a web server if you dont know what youre doing, rolling release distros are generally more stable for desktop use and not a pain in the ass with outdated shit, but if youre only hosting a web server and never change shit on it debian is better, since you dont have to constantly update it every 2 days or so and have to expect minor bugs with that
debian only starts breaking if you run debian-stable on a desktop because it has packages that are probably older than your computer.
now you install nginx and make it automatically start when your machine boots up (with systemd or whatever you use, in other words systemctl enable --now nginx after configuring it)
you need to get a domain, just leech a subdomain off freedns as >>2505 already pointed out, make it point to your IP address (you want a static one if you can get one), forward ports 80 and 443 for HTTP and HTTPS on your router (TCP), plus whatever else you might want to host (e.g. for minetest forward port 30000 (UDP), for meinkraft you forward 25565 (TCP), etc...)
now run certbot (you might want certbot-nginx) to generate HTTPS cert bullshit, so HTTPS works
make plain HTTP shit on your website automatically redirect to HTTPS because you probably dont want plain HTTP connections
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>you should use PHP
Stopped reading here


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only shilling it because its made by the chosen people

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>Windows is LE BAD because its runned by jews and trannies
>even though my precious hax0r trannyware is runned by jews and trannies too though
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she's true




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shut the fuck up soystemd bootd archfag, your shit crashed in the installer and I like my goddamn computers to work
you're picrel




people have done that since kway albeit

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all isps are banned


if youre already banned just use tuxler


Use a residential IP


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mein chuds, it werked.
here's a token of my gratitude



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What will happen when the internet is filled with low-quality pajeet ai art?


society collapses and we will live in pods


people will keep making retarded threads like this one


That already was the case. Think those shitty facebook scam mobile games with stolen art. This is that but faster to make


wrong, I live under a bridge

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What are you honest, most sincerest thoughts of private trackers 'teens?
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theyre absolute soy
just pay 5$ for proxies or leech off someone elses
in reality private trackers will only have downsides plus the upside that you might find something rare there... which will get shared in public trackers a week later anyway
the rest is only downsides
hard to get into them, need to constantly sneed to not get kicked out so you always need to have your computer running, datamining because you cant just go there without any account and a random proxy and seed as you like, or not seed at all
its just a pain in the ass and i let faggots circlejerk but i wont tolerate them keeping good shit to themselves without allowing someone to share the content of the torrents (not the private torrents themselves because muh hecking ip leaks and copyright report trolls)
thats the same thing as copyright kiking but worse


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Don't like em


i thought they were a gay dick measuring elitist contest 10 years ago
i can only imagine how bad it is nowadays

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Tech for this feel?
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because its a whore, and "open soros" advocate, such people HATE free software


can it play doom


automating green science in factorio


Woah mama


She's a f0cking lesbian

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They are pure evil
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yes the feds definitely host all the nodes and also the feds definitely are the only ones using it. everyone on dread is actually a bot and all the DNMs that go unseized are actually fake government assets.


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Tor is not run by "glow in the darks". Just take your meds.


Explain why DNMs are allowed to exist then. Explain why threat actors still exist and use Tor if le hecking glowies have backdoored Tor.


it does albeit



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young terry was an absolute chad.
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>>>mogged by non-white
>>things that never happened


Did you think that he watched Lain and The Lawnmower Man?


he based ong




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