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Why would anyone use this instead of white man's OS such as Haiku?
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I am unironically starting to like this nigga.


>Haiku includes some software that you're not allowed to modify. It also includes nonfree firmware blobs.


i'm starting to like haiku


i would use haiku if it had graphics drivers. i really like haiku a lot. i think it's great.


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>pipewire was the best thing to happen to linux desktop
>flatpak is the true modern software distribution/packaging technology
>gnome is the only de with consistent and well designed ui
>wayland finally brings a decent display server

yet you tards are hating on this cause it's for faggots. i'll never understand you
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i think you should install slackware.


I miss OpenSoundSystem


I miss OpenSoundSystem


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1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
for (int i=1;i;i++) { printf("mexican twink took %d BBCs\n",i);










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Windows 10 has been so fucking annoying for me recently. Start menu doesn't work, file explorer just gives up randomly, and other shit happens.
I want to switch to something else, linux or not, but I have no idea what distro.
I just want one that isn't complicated, very supported, and isn't annoying as shit.
What should I do?
15 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


should I do this



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>windows 10


just use GNU/Linux like a sane human being, literally the only reason retards use winkike is because ""theyre used to it"", and because they think lunix is "hard".
by the time you installed winkike, cope with outdated bullshit or modern slow spyware and ""debloating"" it with 20 scripts made by pajeets, breaking the whole thing, and reinstalling it and leaving out 2 debloat scripts this time, you have installed lunix and learned how to get along with it twice.


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Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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There is at most 1,5 billion niggers in the world though


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latinos are already miscegenated(mixed) persons and there are some lightskinned spics but they are not white(purely white)


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>There is at most 1,5 billion niggers in the world though

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>heh..........time to spend a week's worth of wages on an international call to prank call some stupid mutt tranny and tell him that he will never be a woman and i am not obsessed! (calls Alicia's phone number on poorfag yuropoor android phone) (someone answers the call) TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY YWNBAW SEETHE COPE MUTT TRANNY HAHAHAHA TAKE THAT ALICIA YOU MENTALLY ILL MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<I'm sorry, who is this?
>errrrrrrmmmmmmmm what the mohammed????? you don't sound like Alicia, who are you???????
<I'm Alicia's boyfriend, Gigachad. Listen up yuropoor, I know that you feel bad about being some arab shitskin who lives in some poorfag irrelevant country, but that doesn't mean that you can harass innocent trans people just for being trans. You need to stop being so insecure about being an inferior yuropoor who doesn't own a big truck, house or guns and stop being such a loser incel shitskin. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna have some hot sexy sex with my cute trans girlfriend Alicia. Later, you sad, obsessed yuropoor. (hangs up his brand new iPhone)


Gem that buckbroke transphobes


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ahh yes, /tech/

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>Loonix le bad or something



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>this kills the zelligtrannies
Soot was the better leader of the 3
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


>even doe that was before the sharty was bought by 'cord users


nobody cares + wrong board crybaby
and why you worship him so much?
this is the same faggot who had lolkek as a janny which was gigacoal


seeing how all the post-soot admins deal with the zellig question really makes me miss him


I miss the days when Soot was admin


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>I miss the days when Soot was admin

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>dead board

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All Unix-likes are shit, Mac has a shitty UI, Linux is nonworking garbage, take the chad Windows pill today
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>naming the first drive C because EVERYONE HAS 2 floppy drives before that, not more and not less ok?
this is disgusting
*GNU chad reports in*


>the classic xbox is based however
Fair enough


GNU is evil, it's a version of liberalism that denies developers the right for food, and in exchange encourages lower quality software with a bad user experience


>denies developers the right for food
you mean prevents jews from stealing code some developer put all his work into, then making it proprietary, adding spyware, and selling it to normies?
this is capitalism!


Indian IP

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