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ITT: we discuss how to optimize our ram usage
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stop using sudo, use doas instead


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>why yes, i have 4 gigs of ram used in idle without anything open


i dunno, my ram usage is pretty low, the only ram hogs on my system are garbage software like golang troonware, rust troonware, and python troonware, such as gomuks firefuck and pantalaimon
get rid of that trash if you want less ram usage
if you are short on ram, use zswap/zram, but it puts more load on your cpu if youre swapping, still better than having swap on an encrypted drive tho.



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stop using this slow piece of shit you fucking cocksucking fucking faggots, literally every single program i try to run written in this shit language is a laggy bloated piece of fucking ass shit, need a scripting language for addons? use fucking LUA you fucking COCK SUCKING HOMO NIGGER FAGGOTS

and yes everyone that uses this piece of shit is a fucking tranny too stupid and lazy to use something competent like C, need a fucking scripting language for addons? USE FUCKING LUA you COCKSUCKING TRANNY FAGGOT

pic nigger.png related, the fucking nerve of pyniggers calling their shit fast, everyone that uses python is a tranny faggot because trannies hate having standards because they're commie faggots that want everyone to stay in the crab bucket and be shit just like them
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there are a very few programs that do it right
look at all the C stuff like literally any piece of software that matters, and the few C++ things with lua plugins, like minetest


it's not going to make big difference between lua and python if you don't use luajit


holy autism


didn't read + didn't ask + still using python


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>didn't read + didn't ask + still using python

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>new even doe it's older then most 'eens here

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imagine paying thousands of shekels for a hunk of burning in junk instead of picking up a cheap CRT from a dumpster sale that has zero motion blur, excellent colours, and can do any resolution and refresh ratee in its frequency range
why do zoomers always fall for the new LE GOOD memes?
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as you see here, VGA can easily do 2K
my GPU doesn't support 4K so it doesnt work sadly, but it would work on my CRT
the phosphorus cant display such detail on such a "small" screen anyway doe, and my eyes couldnt even see it in the first place so there is no reason to do it other than for pissing off flatscreen cucks


Yeah VGA all the way for analogue video. I've seen a lot of coally projects with old CRTs where the only way they could find to drive it is one of those $10 HDMI-to-composite converters, or else use the native composite out on a raspberry pi. Timing smears everywhere.
It's very easy to mod a VGA (or any other analog RGB) input into most color CRTs.


It's good bait


VGA over BNC can go wayyy over 2k. But you need some old studio equipment to accept it, or else do some modification. But it is the most Aryan of all analog video formats


studio equipment? more like airport LCD TVs.

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what phone should I buy an apple or an android?
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>will last longer
3 years until it breaks, becomes slow, and gets cucked by crapple because its ""EOL"" and ""outdated"" isnt long...
5 years isnt long either for a crappy pajeetdroid
just get a thinkpad, i intentionally buy thinkpads that are older than 15 years because everything modern is backdoored defective garbage and overpriced for less quality
>b-but muh performance
dont run garbage software


a nokia dumbphone


get an iph-
nvm do this


>>b-but muh performance
>dont run garbage software
neet take

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haha, I'm so glad I threw away my alexa a few months ago

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Just found out about it and turns out I have one, I have not been using headphones in years with means they don't go back to normal, its over...
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its not ral


newest incel cope just dropped


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>its real


Those are just the outers parts of the skin, the bone doesn't actually deform (otherwise we would instantly black out as the brain would be touching our skull)

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Guys how do I save my MP3 collection so the quality doesn't get the quality ruined? I just learned about this

>Rotational velocidensity affects all audio files encoded with lossy compression. These include mp3, aac, and ogg.

>The most notable effect of rotational velocidensity is the loss of bitrate in files. A lossy audio file will lose an average of 12kbps a year. But, this can vary greatly depending on the type of storage media used.


>SATA HDD: ~12kbps

>IDE HDD: ~15kbps
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download all your music as FLACs


i store my music on my ram


>shit no one cares about enthusiast
i type "song" on youtube and get thrembo billions results

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most apps sadly have this feature, is cia shit


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stop using discord

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is buying a cheap proxy with XMR worth it to use demonic apps such as pinterest and discord ?
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I look like a gray bald man with a triangle for a nose and no eyebrows or ears


Any retard that buys Monero from a discuck server should be curbstomped to death. Glow fags will invade.


hes right


both are shit, der cord of the obvious reasons, and matrix because is dead as hell.


less dead than pisscord, we have 12 hours per day of activity in some rooms

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