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Imagine still using troonix.
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>Free labor but you have to support my cultural revolution as payment


xe's cute


He's ugly


you are free to download it and do whatever you want with it, they can't stop you even if you literally hate them.


ScarfaceLARPers... we're so back...

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The vast majority of all aryans throughout history, if not ALL, have NEVER owned a phone.
The vast majority of phones are BLACK, like niggers, they're technologically niggerish devices
Simply by the existences of these two facts, the average 'teen is capable of this level of reasoning, what do you think everyone?
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Phones are for heteros


phones are for retards who want to get injured by the radiation


>im not a nigger like you
like this ratio?




Wouldn't this extend to tablets and computers as well?

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>sway without garbage
>kiss linux
based meme
>dell latitude
isnt this model supported by libreboot or something?
you should install libreboot/coreboot if you can and havent already
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>isnt this model supported by libreboot or something?
>you should install libreboot/coreboot if you can and havent already
no, that was the E6400, wish it was this one thou, I am still trying to install it
Last I checked icecat was just firefox with addons enabled (In Private window mode it behaves exactly like firefox unless you enable all addons to work in private mode)
still probably going to install it, but I wish GNU would make their own web engine

also do you use wifi? I still have both kernel (libre and non-libre) on my OS because of it (obviously compiled them by myself)
also does parabola default kernel have NSA SELINUX enabled?


icecat is firefuck without proprietary binary blobs and telemetry malware
iceweasel is icecat but actually maintained and without the pre-loaded bloat bullshit that breaks 90% of all websites that have CSS or anything other than pure plain HTML
>their own web engine
would be very based, all web browsers suck currently and all people do is complain about it but nobody actually gets to work to fix it
before you tell me to do it, i dont know how to write a web engine because im not a webdev (soydev)
im a C-Nile asm boomer, not a webdev.
depends, i usually use ethernet but i use wifi in my thinkpad router to snipe internet off some boomer down the road and crack some wifi networks with my spare wifi card
i have 3 wifi cards in my thinkpad router and 2 in my main shitposting thinkpad, all of them are ath9k cards
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What are some good i2p sites?


most people use Tor but anything that accepts I2P is a good alternative to the regular link they might have (or their Tor link).

Issue with I2P is nobody uses it so the anonymity set is much smaller than Tor.

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>you need javascript enabled because im a selfish little fuck


Fucking cunt. Kill yourself doll.


you can even use fucking 4cuck with javascript enabled. KILL YOURSELF YOU CUNT



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aryanme post seen


keep this tranny forced meme on 4cuck nigger


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lol obsessed faggot


expand this manly natural meme outside 4chad aryan


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privacy, soycurity, and opsec thread
freetard schizos welcome, WINTODDLERS GET OUT
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posting a random image from my old macbook backup
don't remember or know why i have this saved kek


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Use Faraday bags or Aluminium, the cheapest jammer you could use since it blocks electromagnetic waves and other satellite tracking shit


i mean i want to completely jam anything in a 100m radius, my entire house
i already cluttered my room in lead plates but i want to entirely rape all wifi signals around me so nobody else will be able to use hecking phones at all (even outside my room or my house)
so i will need something that emits wifi signals and fucks up everything else


I see.
there's more instructions about this?

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>using an OS created by a guy who was too stupid to install debian on his Macbook air
>using a macbook in the first place
not a good look


I use the GNU operating system. I don't know who 'linus' is.


its the guy who invented lunix


his hot white e-girl had sex with NIGGERS albeit


stallman would never use a fagbook tho, and he doesnt shill debian either since its nonfree just like fagbooks.
stallman has used thinkpads since they were freetard machines basically
i run GNU+BSD tho


the kernel is not the entirety of an operating system

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how are we gonna recover from this?
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>heh muh gaymes heh poorfag, what cant afford being assraped?
>heh too poor to afford slavery and a cuckold fetish, poorfag muh gaymes...


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>>heh muh gaymes heh poorfag, what cant afford being assraped?
>heh too poor to afford slavery and a cuckold fetish, poorfag muh gaymes...


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modern chinkpad coal



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Why does he cause /g/cels to seethe so hard?


Too fragile to criticism

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>freetards actually expect me to believe the second one is better and more powerful than the first one
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK how much further can their coping go?
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holy cancer
VSCode won


emacs won
yep, average vscope web browser C# cancer IDE garbage user.


it's okay to admit you were wrong once in a while you know
>you dont own jackshit.
i do though. JetBrains licenses are lifelong.


it's the same thing



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