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/tech/ - Technology

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>pgp key listed on profile


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a federal agent made this thread




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>(((we))) are "enabling" ""new features"" with firmware updates
>2000$+ OLED meme is still shittier than 20 year old CRTs
>native resolution, physical pixels
>burn in
>shitty latency, bad for "muh gaymes"
how and why do zoomers cope with this?
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>block glowing
what glowing?
xrays are good for you, and modern (2000s) CRTs barely have any
>60hz in a dark terminal
you mean a light background, because you dont notice any flicker in a dark terminal (at least i dont)
>all computers and operating systems were shit in the 90s
operating systems yes, computers not really


CRTs don't even emit radiation, they only have about as much radiation as a banana.
I measured the EMF radiation, if you sit the recommended distance then theres ZERO radiation, theres basically only radiation coming off to the left and right sides of the monitor (so basically you are never exposed to it)

60hz is terrible and it gives me headache but i never use 60hz on a CRT, you can easily overclock any of them to 85hz+ and most of them have an option by default


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I miss my family's old Sony CRT monitor, they threw it away for a shitty Samsong LCD instead. What a fucking waste.
I had money fond memories of playing PS2 games on it.


ok flatranny


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find a new CRT somewhere, theyre free or <20$ if you know where to look (fleamarkets, ebay, your local dumpster)

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I'll start
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>what did he mean by this
He has a CBT fetish.


go back tranimenigger


stay here Manimearyan

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what is the best internet browser for MACs? (Freetards and poorfag losers stay out of this thread)
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it does, you're just running an old version of it.


ungoogled chromiumm


gnome is shit and everyone knows it


gnome is shit and everyone knows it


whatever helps you sleep at night schizo

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Distros for this feel?
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provide source for the porn whore


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Built for Big Linux Nerd Cock

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average proprietard "hurr lunix durr" faggot who has a kernel that is 99% binary blobs, runs iShit and winkike on the side, and doesnt actually believe in freedom


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what the FUCK?
i honestly can't prove linux isn't for fucking trannies anymore.


linus nigger team was always full of trannies


It's over I suck Bill Gates' dong now, I'll never use anything free and open axe wound again



Of course it's a troon, it uses arch.

Ubuntu gang rise up

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Anyone have experience with these?
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>450$ for a garbage potato ARM computer with a garbage rubber dome keyboard you cant even fit your fingers on
>proprietary bullshit blobs everywhere, not even free so their shilling is a lie too
dude... just get a thinkpad holy fucking shit


do you leave your house? like at all?


he's too busy getting mindbroken over windows and macs


honestly, even if linux phones become usable I probably will never even get one. I'm glad I don't have a phone. It feels so good.


Other pinephone nigga is retarded. Postmarket OS with sxmo (just switch that shit over to xorg+DWM so it isn't using gayland) is where it's at. Feels like using a boomerphone, except it runs a Linux distro.

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freetards and emulatorchuds welcome
I'll start...
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>oy vey, I can't believe I have to spend $3!
You don't need a disc or an activation code to play it. Just ask someone who owns the game to put the files into a MEGA folder and send you the link.


the problem isnt money the problem is DRM, and i refuse to pay for nonfree software either way
give me the source code on a CD and ill gladly buy it from you, but that there is no DRM shit is good, so i can just torrent it without fucking around


the HD models look good in opposing force albeit


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Spyro 1, a timeless tanzanite, programmed mostly in Assembly.

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what programming languages should I learn
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c# and java programs are much easier to maintain and are often safer than c++


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>easier to maintain
look at the clusterfucked abominations that are android and minecraft, literally the only 2 java pieces of shit people actually use
unironically causes brain damage
python is unusable and a pain in the ass, it breaks every single fucking update
C is very much used, theres a good reason why everything that actually matters is written in C
GNU, linux, all your core programs, everything that actually works people don't complain about is written in C.
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im convinced this nigger is a nocoder now


im convinced he's the one with brain damage


You WILL start with C++. You WILL read Programming: Principles and Practice using C++. You WILL write perfect C++ code with no bugs that never needs updates because it adheres to the UNIX philosophy, and you WILL be happy.

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do wintoddlers really...


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I’m a windows retard but this is a whole new level of autism


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i see your gentoo and raise you https://ubuntu.com/

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