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/tech/ - Technology

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>enter a thread
>"get down on it" starts playing



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scalyGOD win





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I made this to clean up SC if you use it without an account. Works best if you bookmark https://soundcloud.com/search

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in case you're retarded, paste it here


don't do this it creates mustard gas


do this it creates mustard gas

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Let's all discuss these new industry changing GPU's.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


They're cheaper and suck in every way imaginable, suffering from issues that weren't issues anymore 20 years ago


Teething issues, I'm sure they'll work it out. Regardless though I prefer AMD for graphics too.

They're a fun meme I guess.


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It's only getting better from here on out intel sisters.


are the drivers for Linux any good or are they Nvidia-tier?


Dunno but their more modern CPU's work just fine though with very few hickups.

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>time to upgrade because the new version of windows requires an nsa backdoor embedded in hardware to ensure that my computer is protected from the cybercoronavirus or however this pc restarts itself

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>notepad++? why are you not using vim or visual; studio code?


scintilla my beloved


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Tranny editor doe


I do not use notepad++ because I don't support ukraine, taiwan and honk kong


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useless meme editor, use ed or emacs

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This is Alphy. Alphy is a pedophile. Please assist me in finding, doxxing, and punishing Alphy for his crimes against innocent little boys. pls ????


lets do this

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>making your program window smaller isn't going to make it run slower even though that'd make sense
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Touch grass lil nigga




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are you fucking retarded?
no it does not, it merely makes it take up less space on your monitor/framebuffer, you can completely move it into the background and it will still eat up the exact same resources, maybe a bit less if some 3d shit inside it gets rendered at a lower resolution, but for any normal program it doesnt do shit.
besides, 90% of your programs aren't even graphical, if for some reason you miss windows and want to add unnecessary latency and lag, you can put a sleep 1 && before everything you run
>grass frfr niggu shiee lil fo rea

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>windows? why are you not using my half broken garbage OS like everyone else! just look at how good my os is!
>*desktop krashes*
>*package manager shits all over /home again*
>...after i reinstall...


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Remember what they took from you


>desktop crash
i dont use gayland or windows
>package manager shits over /home
never happens, at least not with any package manager i have used, no clue what wintoddlers use, if they have a package manager at all to begin with
your package manager will shit nicely and tidily into /bin, /usr/bin, and /etc.
this is a wintoddler cope because winshit becomes unbearably slow after 3 months of usage, it REQUIRES a reinstall.

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I was eating goyslop at mcdonalds the other day and ripped this sticker off the bottom of the table, what is it?


cease youre investigation post haste


cia beacon


an nfc tag




this is an anti-nigger sticker, they commonly put those onto clothes and other shit, they cause alarms to ring in stores if you pass those magnetic gates with one in your pocket

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